Sunday, March 2, 2008


Passion.. What is it? Passion is any powerful or compelling emtion..
Many people in this world are passionate.. Like the bum downtown.. He is passionate about getting that couple of dollars for his next fix.. We will stop at nothing to get what his body longs for.. Or the guy that is at the office late every night to get that raise.. He will risk his family and happiness for it.. Or the solider that is on the front lines fighting for what he believes in.. He lays down his life for ours.. There is something driving these people.. They have their eyes set on a place and will not stop until they think they are satisfied.. The disappointing part is usually when they reach they are still not satisfied.. There is more passion for more and more and more..
But we as christians are satisfied when we come into a place of worship and leave unchanged for unmoved.. This baffles me.. All of these people have passion and work towards a goal that they will mostly likely never be satisfied with.. But something is driving them.. Telling them just a little farther and you can have what you want..
I have been a service after service and not felt passion.. The spirit of God is there.. He is manifesting his presence and I see people unmoved and unchanged.. We have lost the passion.. I believe because we have everything handed to us as a generation.. Nothing has to be worked for nor earned.. Most of us don't have to go on a fourty day fast or spend five hours in prayer to see a move of God.. Because the ones before us have already ushered in that presence.. Bearing the burdens that are ours..
What if David would have not had passion? Would he have been the great leader that God intended and called him to be? He screwed up in every possible way that you can.. He was in prison and that passion never left.. Only grew stronger..
Or Moses who was sent into the desert for 40 years having thousands of people breathing down his neck.. He never lost his passion..
So I challege you today to become passionate about Christ..
Love Peace and Passion
Marcus S. Beecham

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