Thursday, June 19, 2008

where are they?

as i lay here eyes closed and mind focused on the ones i see the most, the church; i begin to wonder where are they?

where are the raped? where are the molested? where are the taken advantage of? where are the broken? where are the bruised? where are the busted?

where are the depressed? where are the fugitives? where are the crack addicts? where are the alcoholics? 

where are the hippies? where are democrats? where are the lame? where are the sick? where are the uncool? where are the whores? 

where are the cancer filled? where are the lonely? where are the homeless? where are the hopeless? where are the helpless? where are the simple minded? 

where are the ones searching for truth, salvation, trust, mercy, grace, redeeming power, and everlasting love?

i know some of you are reading this and are thinking well i have some of those people at my church. or they used to be like that!

these are the people that we see or come into contact with everyday. they business woman walking past us with a smile and a blackberry and going home to drink her problems away. or the clerk at the grocery store that works nights at the strip club to support her child. 

these are the people that need to be filling our pews. not the ones that have it all together. those people are not interested in what we have. we have a mandate from God to care for these people.

proverbs 31 tells us to speak for the ones that have no voice. stand up and judge fairly. 

so where are they? well find them and share your story!


Thursday, June 5, 2008


//a visionary creation of the imagination.

a dream can be many things. it can encouraging or discouraging. it can create passions or kill burdens. it's powerful enough to unite people together but destructive enough to rip them apart. it brings hope as well as fear. not everyone is a dreamer. 

dreamers face extremely difficult obstacles throughout their entire lives for one single dream. most will risk everything because the price is worth the sacrifice. 

lets take joseph for an example. he was the last born unto jessie and loved my everyone in the land because he was born when his father was of late age. but his own brothers were jealous and despised him. 

he was  dreamer. he dreamt that one day all of his brothers and even his father would bow to him. that he would have reign over them. and dream after dream after dream.

eventually they planned to kill him but one brother changed their minds. so they sold him into slavery instead; telling their father that he was murdered by an animal.

although joseph was in slavery he found favor with potiphar and he was placed in control of all the food in egypt.  later thrown in jail because he would not sleep with potiphar's wife. but eventually find favor with pharaoh and is put in charge of all of egypt. 

i believe that joseph was blessed because he never let go of his dreams. he knew what God had promised him and held on to it even when times were not so hot. he believe God heard his cries.

another dreamer is dr. martin luther king jr. we all know about his great accomplishments and famous speeches that eventually paved the way for african americans today.

but his road was not an easy one. he was arrested over 20 times, and never held a violent protest. was assaulted at least 4 times. his home was bombed and his children and family threatened. but still he pressed on. he understood that violence was not the answer to peace. 

dr. king had a dream. a dream that no matter what circumstance's came his way he would not let die. and eventually was murdered because of his dream. but his legacy lives on today because of his dream. 

throughout history every man or woman that you will read about had a dream. something drove them to accomplish what they set out to do. there is somethings that drives to live of out their dreams.

i wonder what would happen if all of us united, with hearts as one set out, to complete a dream. a common goal. how many lives would be affected? how many people would be saved or revived because we would not let anything nor anyone suffocate our dream.

are you a dreamer?

i am a dreamer. i dream to see my world saved. i dream to see the lost welcomed home. i dream to see every homeless individual with a place to call home. i dream to see every person involved with ethnic genocide brought to justice.

i dream to conquer my world!
